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Friday, November 4, 2011

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

Reading The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger was a breath of fresh air among all the vampire, fallen angels, and teen angsty books I've been reading. I laughed out loud!(Thank you, Mr. Angleberger.) Dwight, a sixth grader, has crafted an origami yoda finger puppet that gives amazingly strange, yet accurate advice. And, Dwight is not known for his insight, in fact, he's considered totally clueless by his peers. The book reads almost like a diary, with different students telling their stories of how origami yoda helped them. The big question, "Is origami yoda real?" drives the story. It's a middle school story, but anyone who loves Star Wars needs to read this book. And, with instructions in the back, make your own origami yoda. Here's a photo of some members of the PT high school book club, Readers Anonymous, with their creations.