Explore the world @ your Port Townsend Public Library.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Teen Night @ the Movies

All teens (age 12-18) are invited to a showing of Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas. Saturday, December 11 from 7:30pm-9:30pm. Plus, cookie decorating, door prizes and snacks. FREE!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Annexed by Sharon Doger

Did you love reading The Diary of Anne Frank? Author Sharon Dogar has crafted a hauntingly beautiful “same, but different” telling of the story from the point of view of Peter Van Pels, the young man Anne fell in love with during their 2 years in hiding. Peter is furious at having to go into hiding and thinks Anne is a flighty, annoying girl. He spends hours sleeping, refusing to study, work or help in any way. Whereas Anne’s diary was filled with her hopes and belief that things would get better, Peter has nightmares that fill him with anguish. His gradual transformation and growing love for Anne are heartbreaking because I knew the ending was not going to change. So why should you read Annexed? First, it’s beautifully written and gives another dimension to the diary that Anne kept. Second, I believe we need to remember what happened during the Holocaust and work to create a world where it can never happen again.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Readers Anonymous

The Port Townsend High School book club, Readers Anonymous, has started reading The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Teen Advisory Board meets Tuesday, November 9 from 3pm-4:30pm @ the Charles Pink House. Time to think about cooking for the holidays. Learn to make simple candies for your family and friends. Take home samples. Yum! Check out some of our great cookbooks and watch a classic episode of "I Love Lucy" for candy making inspiration!
Open to all teens age 12-18.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween Party @ the Library

Start putting together your costume for the Teen Halloween Party @ the Library. Poetry Slam! Costume Contest! Boxes of Death and Despair! Plus, a showing of the 1963 classic, "The Birds." Saturday, October 30 from 8-11pm. For ages 12-18. Oh, and there will be TREATS!

Friday, October 8, 2010

36 authors = 1 book!

I'm really excited about this project that begins this weekend in Seattle. 36 authors will collaborate on a book-length piece of fiction in a marathon writing session over 6 days. Check it out here. Writing Marathon!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

PTHS Readers Anonymous

Readers Anonymous met today at Port Townsend High School. It's a great book club that meets every Thursday during lunch in the high school library. If you're at the high school, feel free to join us! The question of the day was..."If you were on a deserted island with one character from a book, who would it be?"
Here are the answers! Edward Cullen, Vincent Valentine, Sasuki, Darth Vader, Jack Sparrow, Monkey D. Luffy, Harry Potter, Ace, Percy Jackson, Galactus, Earl Cain, Jean-Claude, L (from Death Note), Xanxes, Peeta, Yeron Mikami

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teen Advisory Board

TAB meets Tuesday, October 12 from 3-4:30 @ the Charles Pink House next to the Library. Help plan the library teen Halloween party (yea! party!) TAB is for any teen(age 12-18) that loves the library so bring your friends. Games and snacks, too.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Celebrate Your Right to Read!

Banned Books Week is a celebration of your freedom to read. Here's a link to the official webpage. How many books on the "most challenged" list have you read? challenges

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What I've been reading...

Bullet Point by Peter Abrahams kept me up til 1am! When Wyatt's stepfather rearranges his face, he leaves home to attend high school in another town. The same town where his birth father is incarcerated for life in the state prison. With an older new girlfriend, whose father is also in the prison, Wyatt meets Sonny (his dad) for the first time and begins to believe he's innocent. Deciding to help Sonny seems logical at first, but this book twists and turns until the ultimate "what just happened!!" ending. A fast moving, psychological thriller not to be missed!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Remember when you learned to read?

This is the PT Library teen blog for ideas, musings, events, book suggestions from the teen librarian and endless connections. I'll be posting cool things I find as well as links to some of my favorite sites.